Friday, September 18, 2009


Day 155

04 JUNE 09

The end of the school year finally arrived. I sat, bored senseless, in the gymnasium of my son's school, waiting for the end-of-year awards ceremony. I should probably point out that I was bored because I arrived early. The kids hadn't yet arrived (except for the really little ones who came in with their parents), and I was looking for something to do.

That's when I spotted this rack of coats on the other side of the gym. It almost seemed out of place, just hanging there out of the blue. No closet, just a pole filled with coats. And it brought to mind those old coatrooms (or as someone else mentioned, cloakrooms). Do those even exist anymore? I know that at my son's school, other than this lone anomalous pole in the gym, the only way they hang coats and jackets is on little hooks in the classrooms. Or on the backs of chairs.

Just one of those random thoughts I had. It happens sometimes. :)

Post-processing: Again, processing was done months ago. This was another high ISO photo (1600) using available light. I didn't do any noise reduction on this because it looked very strange. I did make some curves adjustments, a saturation reduction for that "faded" effect, then finished it off with a filter from Virtual Photographer. Plus the border addition.

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